Streaming System

The highly reliable streaming system designed to handle products.

The function of the alignment system is to create a flow of products from a matrix (ordered or disordered) configuration. Several conveyors with different speeds and vertical motorized belts provide the streaming of the products to obtain a regular flow which is directed to phaser and packaging machines. The system can be fed manually directly from moulds or automatically with a capacity up to 850 products per minutes.

Hygienic and Design Requirements:

The streaming system is designed according to the following characteristics:

  • Belt equipped with scrappers (both for the belts themeselves and the tensioning rollers)
  • Drawers for crisps recovering are installed along the system
  • Built with 300 mm clearance from floor to ease cleaning operations
  • Standard modular construction with belts, easy to replace
  • Motors inside the frame with easy access for maintenance
  • Wash-down version available

Main Features:

  • Orientate and stream small products
  • Reject doubled products
  • Reject products that don’t conform to dimensions (by means of a 3D Control System)

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